Roger Boghani

Self-Managed Super Funds

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Take control of your super with a Self-Managed Super Funds.

If you’re looking for more control and flexibility to plan for your future, SMSFs may be the right option to grow your wealth for your retirement. TTR (transition to retirement) or early self-funded retirement at 60 may help you build your wealth while saving tax on your investment through SMSFs.

Dealing with all the rules and regulations for your SMSFs can be tough and waste a lot of your time. But if you let Roger Boghani take care of some or all of your SMSF paperwork, you can relax knowing that you are in safe hands. Imagine being the boss of your financial future, making your money work just how you want it to. Well, that’s the magic of a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF).

SMSFs are like having your own financial playground where you can choose how to grow your money, whether investing in shares, managed funds, real estate property, high-interest-paying term deposits, crypto, antique cars and paintings, gold, bonds, or even investing in the international market. It’s your retirement plan, customised by you, for you. Sounds pretty great, doesn’t it? Explore the possibilities with experienced self-managed super fund advisors like Roger Boghani to ensure your SMSF strategy aligns with your financial goals.

More Information About SMSFs

Building a future

SMSFs set up

We can help you set up your SMSF according to your investment needs, including a bare/custodian trust and trustee when borrowing for an investment property. We can also help set up simple SMSFs to buy other investments such as shares, managed funds and crypto.

SMSF Compliance

We help ensure your SMSFs remain compliant by preparing financial reports, member statements, pension documents, tax returns, and collaborating with an independent external auditor.

Planning & strategy

With proper planning and strategy for SMSFs, you can achieve your desired retirement. This involves determining the appropriate superannuation amount and retirement timing.

Manage your own Super and Retire Early!

Roger Boghani Tax & Business Services is here to help Australians retire when and how they choose with confidence and certainty.

Helping You To Identify, Setup And Manage Your SMSFs

Secure your financial future with a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSFs). Your superannuation is a significant part of your savings, and an SMSFs gives you control. Think of it as your personalised retirement plan, tailored to your needs. You have the freedom to choose and manage your investments, which can be cost-effective. Plus, potential tax benefits await, depending on your situation. Enjoy the satisfaction of watching your retirement savings grow, all while your SMSFs assets remain shielded from financial troubles. It’s a smart move to take charge of your retirement planning with experienced self-managed super fund advisors.

To learn more about SMSFs, please visit the ATO SMSF Portal.

Personalised Retirement Planning

Having SMSFs gives you the control, ability, and flexibility to customise your retirement time however you want to spend it.

Investment Freedom

It gives you the freedom to choose and manage your investments, potentially with tax advantages.

Financial Security

Your SMSFs safeguards your retirement savings from financial instability.

Benefits of Self Managed Superannuation Funds

Benefits of Self Managed Superannuation Funds

  • We’ll assist you in choosing the perfect superannuation tax and accounting solutions that suit your unique needs.
  • Superannuation ranks as the second-largest asset for many Australians, just after their family homes.
  • Superannuation allows you to save and invest money during your working years, ensuring you have the financial means to support your retirement. Consulting with experienced self-managed super fund advisors can further enhance your understanding and management of your superannuation, optimising your financial strategy for retirement.
  • Increasing numbers of individual tax payers recognise the potential for taking control of their significant investments through Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs).
  • SMSFs offer the freedom to decide where and how to invest your superannuation funds, aiming for optimal returns. This unlocks diverse investment options, including property, fixed interest, direct shares, wholesale managed funds, derivatives, and alternative investments.
  • SMSFs provide tax advantages, with a maximum tax rate of just 15% on contributions and earnings, provided the fund complies with regulations.
  • Your SMSF assets are safeguarded from bankruptcy and legal claims, offering you peace of mind and security for your financial future.

Supporting Your Growth in Every Aspect

  • We assist in crafting retirement plans that align with your unique needs and objectives, recognising that retirement marks a distinct phase in life.
  • We break down retirement planning into three key phases:
  • This phase centres on strategies to accumulate assets for retirement.
  • During retirement, our focus shifts to optimising pension and investment structures, ultimately maximising your financial outcomes.
  • Here, the emphasis is on safeguarding assets and ensuring optimal financial outcomes for your intended beneficiaries. Effective estate planning is vital to prevent reduced wealth for beneficiaries and minimise unnecessary taxation liabilities.
Road to financial freedom
Comprehensive Super Services Melbourne

Comprehensive Tax Services

We offer a range of retirement and estate planning services , including:

  • Crafting income streams that suit your retirement needs.
  • Optimising the structures for pensions and investments.
  • Implementing strategies to manage capital gains tax.
  • Helping you find out your eligibility for Centrelink benefits.
  • Providing expert advice on taxation matters related to retirement and estate planning.
  • Strategies to protect your assets.
  • Ensuring efficient and equitable distribution of assets.
  • Maximising financial outcomes for your chosen beneficiaries.

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