Roger Boghani

ATO Related Services

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Expert Tax Dispute Resolution

At Roger Boghani tax & business services, our highly experienced team specialises in resolving tax disputes with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Our track record of successful cases has saved both individuals and businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars through the waving of debt and remittance of penalties and interest.

Roger Boghani can also guide you during the process of the ATO audit. We work together to make sure that you do not pay what you should not be paying.

Expert Tax Dispute Resolution

Our Scrutineers

Find out how we work cooperatively with the ATO during the reviews, audits and investigations.

ATO Charter

Our commitments to you, what we ask of you and options if you are not satisfied under our Charter.

Service Commitments

Our service commitments assure ourselves and the community that our services are consistent and highly standard.

Have you been contacted by the ATO for a review or audit?

Do you have outstanding ATO debt?

Expert Handling of ATO Matters

We offer comprehensive support for a wide range of ATO matters, including audits, reviews, and objections to taxation decisions. Our expertise extends to handling director penalty notices, assisting with hardship submissions, and seeking remission of the General Interest Charge (GIC). If you’re dealing with large tax debts or facing penalties and interest, we have a proven record of success.

Comprehensive ATO Assistance

We cover audits, reviews, and objections, offering extensive ATO support.

Expertise in Complex Issues

Our team handles director penalty notices, hardship submissions, and GIC remissions.

Proven Success

Trust our track record for resolving large tax debts and managing penalties and interest effectively.

Your Trusted Partner in Tax Solutions

Your Trusted Partner in Tax Solutions

We understand the complexities of tax disputes, and we’re here to be your trusted partner in navigating these challenges. Whether you need assistance with ATO audits, penalty and interest remission, or any other tax-related matter, our dedicated team is committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome. Don’t let tax disputes weigh you down; let us work tirelessly to find effective solutions.

  • We simplify tax disputes as your trusted partner.
  • Count on us for audits, penalties, and more.
  • We find effective solutions for disputes with the ATO.

Our Services

Helping your business to comply and prosper!

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