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Maximise your tax return with Roger Boghani

We’re experts in simplifying personal tax returns in Australia, with over 15 years of experience. Our goal is to reduce your tax liabilities and maximise tax refunds by claiming allowable tax deductions. Consider our proficiency in sole trader accounting for comprehensive support tailored to the unique needs of each individual circumstance.

We work together closely to understand your aspirations and objectives. Our efforts are focused on devising strategies to achieve your short-terms goals, as well as planning for your medium to longer-term future, including considerations such as retirement.

Maximise your tax return

Tax Preparation

Our tax preparation process not only gives you peace of mind but also tax-saving opportunities. Our team can also assist with audits and reviews of past years of tax returns.

Tax Planning

Innovative planning to maximise tax returns for growth and wealth creation for individuals and sole traders.

Tax Returns

Maximise your tax refunds and receive your return promptly.

Give us a call to find out more.

Get Confidence in Your Tax Returns with Roger Boghani:

Handling your own individual tax return can be stressful and time-consuming, especially if you wait until the last minute. With the Australian tax system getting more complex, it’s important to have confidence in managing your taxes effectively. Explore our range of individual tax services offered by our experienced team of accountants and specialists to make things easier for you. Explore our expertise, including specialised support in sole trader accounting, tailored to meet the unique needs of sole traders.

Stress-Free Tax Management

Managing your own tax can be stressful, especially when rushed.

Australia's tax system is complex; gaining confidence is the key.

Since Australia's tax system is increasingly complex, its good to have Roger Boghani on your side who does understand it and speak the taxation language you understand.

Expert Assistance

Our experienced team simplifies individual tax returns.

Comprehensive Tax Services

Comprehensive Tax Services Customised to Your Needs

Our focus is to make your tax return process smooth and accurate. Our skilled professionals carefully examine your financial records to ensure you get all the deductions and credits you’re eligible for, which ultimately boosts your tax refund.

For sole trader accounting, we specialise in managing income tax and GST lodgement compliance while minimising tax liability.

If you have investments such as rental property, shares, crypto, or other assets, we’re here to help you understand the tax implications of your investments. If you’re looking to reduce your tax liability on investment income or capital gain, our experienced advisors will work closely with you to create a personalised tax-saving strategy aligned with your financial goals. And if you’re considering salary sacrifice, our experts will guide you to understand how the process works and help you save on taxes while planning for your financial future. Sole trader accounting is our expertise, ensuring comprehensive support customised to the unique needs of sole traders.

Our Services

Helping your business to comply and prosper!

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