Roger Boghani

Non-Profit Organisation Accountant

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Not For Profit (NFP) Business Accountant Melbourne

Is your nonprofit organisation seeking to enact tangible change in the world? We are dedicated to supporting your mission. At Roger Boghani Tax & Business Services, our commitment lies in empowering non-profits like yours to flourish and amplify their beneficial influence. We recognise that transitions in board members and committees can introduce fresh hurdles, particularly during handovers to new committee members. Roger Boghani stands ready to provide stability and insight throughout the organisation’s commendable endeavours. Leverage our proficiency in non-profit accounting to uphold financial transparency and foster efficient management within your organisation.

Non profit business support

Annual Financial Statements

We understands the requirement of preparation of annual financial statements for various government organisations.

Advice & Guidance

We can advise and guide you on a range of non-profit requirements. Whether to lodge GST/BAS/IAS return or employer's obligations, Roger Boghani can make it simple.

Strategic Planning

Our strategic planning can overall improve the operation and cash flow of the organisation. We can also plan ahead for any future application of government grants.

We specialise in accounting for Non-Profit Organisations

Expertise and Dedication: Your Non-Profit's Smooth Path to Impact

Our expertise lies in simplifying the complexities of ATO paperwork, including GST/BAS/IAS returns, making it easier for you to focus on your organisation. Furthermore, we work closely with external specialists to ensure your audits are seamless. By entrusting your non-profit accounting to us, you’re placing it in exceptionally capable hands, dedicated to facilitating your mission to make the world a better place. Explore our expertise in non-profit accounting for financial transparency, effective management, and regulatory adherence for your non-profit organisation.

Streamlined ATO Paperwork

We simplify complex ATO paperwork, so you can focus on your cause.

Audit Assurance

We work with external auditors to make sure the organisation remains compliant with all government bodies.

Mission-Driven Support

We're dedicated to helping your non-profit create a better world.

Understanding Not-for-Profit Organisations

Understanding Not-for-Profit Organisations

  • Not-for-profit (NFP) organisations have different missions from companies, but they still function in similar ways. 
  • NFPs must follow government rules, just like businesses. 
  • NFPs need accountants who understand both regular business finances and the specific needs of charities, sports groups, NGOs, professional associations, and other NFPs. Seek specialised expertise in non-profit accounting to ensure comprehensive financial management customised to the unique requirements of your non-profit organisation.
  • Staying compliant with the law is crucial for NFPs. 
  • Charities, sports groups, NGOs, and more fall under the NFP category. 
  • Despite differences, NFPs share common operational aspects. 
  • Specialised accountants help NFPs focus on their important missions. 

Our Services

Helping your business to comply and prosper

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