Roger Boghani

SMSFs: Notable Aspects from the 2022-23 Federal Budget

Extension of the Temporary Reduction in Superannuation Minimum Drawdown Rates Because of the uncertain economy, the government has decided to continue letting retirees take out only half of the usual minimum amount from their superannuation (retirement savings) until June 30, 2023.

This is good news because it means retirees don’t have to sell their investments to meet the usual withdrawal rules during these uncertain times.

Looking at the 2022-23 Federal Budget, it shows that the government is focusing on important things like helping people with living costs, creating more jobs, and making sure women feel safe.

This article explains what these budget decisions mean for people who manage their superannuation funds (SMSFs trustees) and points out the important things to pay attention to.

Digitalising Trust Income Reporting and Processing

The government is putting a lot of attention on making it easier to report income from trusts. Starting in July 2024, people can use computers to submit their tax returns for trusts.

This is meant to make things simpler, reduce the work people have to do to follow the rules, and make it easier for those who manage their superannuation funds. The government will work with others involved and technology companies to make sure the new rules are well thought out and don’t cause any problems when they’re put in place.

Reduction in the Age to Qualify for Downsizer Contributions

There’s a plan to let more people benefit from selling their homes and putting money into their superannuation. Right now, you need to be 60 to do this, but they want to change it so anyone 55 or older can do it.

This means more people can add up to $300,000 from the sale of their main home to their superannuation savings. It’s a way to help a wider group of people enjoy the advantages of these contributions.

Commencement of Relaxed SMSFs Residency Rules Deferred

Even though the plan to make it easier for people managing their own super funds to live outside Australia for up to 5 years was supposed to start on July 1, 2022, it’s been postponed. This delay gives them more time to get everything ready and gives people more time to adjust to the changes.

No Change to the Audit Cycle for SMSFs

The government has decided to stick with the current plan of checking self-managed super funds (SMSFs) every year, instead of changing it to every three years as they talked about before. This means that SMSFs will still be looked at every year to make sure they are following all the rules they are supposed to follow.

Increase in the Value of a Penalty Unit

If people managing their super funds (SMSFs) break the rules, they might have to pay fines. Starting from January 1, 2023, the amount of money they have to pay for each rule they break will go up from $222 to $275. Those in charge of SMSFs need to understand this change so they can handle any fines properly.

Confirmation of the Tax Treatment of Digital Currencies

The government wants to make the tax rules for digital money, like Bitcoin, clearer. The new proposal suggests keeping things as they are, meaning digital money won’t be treated like foreign currency when it comes to taxes. If people managing their own super funds (SMSFs) follow the tax guidelines from the tax office (ATO) for digital money transactions, they won’t see any changes.

Impacts on SMSFs Trustees

Those in charge of their super funds (SMSFs trustees) need to grasp how these budget decisions will affect them. They need to stay informed about financial planning and follow the rules to manage their funds well.

For people who are 55 or older, there’s a chance to add more money to their superannuation by using the profits from selling their property. This is something worth looking into to make the most of the opportunity.

Relaxed Residency Rules: A Deferred Initiative

The delayed start of the new residency rules gives those in charge of their own super funds (SMSFs trustees) more time to get used to possible changes in how they manage where their fund is based.

Even though people talked about having audits less often, the choice to keep checking every year shows that thorough checks are still really important to make sure SMSFs are following all the rules.

Higher penalty amounts stress how crucial it is for SMSFs to follow the rules. Trustees need to know about possible fines and do things ahead of time to avoid breaking any rules.

Clarifying Tax Treatment for Digital Currencies

The idea to make the tax rules for digital money clearer matches with the fact that more and more people are using these assets in their investments. If those in charge of their own super funds (SMSFs trustees) are using digital money, they should follow the provided tax rules.


1. What are downsizer contributions, and who can benefit from them?

Downsizer contributions allow individuals aged 55 and above to contribute proceeds from property sales to their superannuation.

2. Why was the commencement of relaxed SMSFs residency rules deferred?

The delay provides additional time for implementation and adjustment, considering the broader economic context.

3. How does the increase in the value of a penalty unit impact SMSFs?

SMSFs facing breaches may incur higher penalties, emphasizing the importance of compliance.

4. What are the key benefits of digitalising trust income reporting for SMSFs trustees?

Electronic filing streamlines processes reduces compliance burdens, and enhances efficiency for SMSFs trustees.

5. How does the budget impact the tax treatment of digital currencies for SMSFs?

The proposed clarification maintains the current tax treatment, ensuring consistency for SMSFs using digital currencies.


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