Roger Boghani

ATO provides cyber security tips for Self Managed Super Funds


In the wake of the recent cyber attack on Optus, the ATO (Australian Taxation Office) and Australian Cyber Security Centre have provided some important steps to help people keep their data safe. After the Optus data breach, which exposed the personal information of 10,000 clients, it’s crucial for individuals to take steps to protect their information from cyber criminals.

Understanding Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs)

Before we dive into cyber security, let’s grasp the essence of SMSFs. A Self Managed Super Fund is a private superannuation fund, allowing individuals to manage their retirement savings. These funds offer more flexibility and control compared to traditional superannuation funds, but with great power comes great responsibility, especially in the realm of cybersecurity.

By following these simple steps, you can better protect your information from cyber threats.

Keep Your Devices Updated:

Cyber criminals often exploit weaknesses in computer systems and apps. To prevent this, regularly check for updates on your devices and turn on automatic updates. This way, your devices will receive important security updates as soon as they’re available, especially when they’re charging and connected to Wi-Fi.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

MFA is like having double locks on your doors. It requires at least two ways to prove your identity before granting access. This can include something you know (like a password) and something you have (like a fingerprint). By using MFA, you make it much harder for cyber criminals to break into your accounts, even if they manage to steal one piece of your identity, like your password.

Backup Your Data:

Imagine making a copy of all your important files, just in case something happens to your computer. That’s what backing up your data means. You can save copies of your files on an external storage device (like an external hard drive) or in the cloud (an online server). Setting up automatic backups in your device or app settings gives you peace of mind because you can easily restore your important information if something goes wrong.

Regularly Update Software

Outdated software can be a vulnerable point in your cybersecurity defenses. Ensure that all software used in managing your SMSF is up to date, including operating systems, antivirus programs, and financial management software.

Be Cautious with Emails and Links

Phishing emails are a common tactic used by cybercriminals. Exercise caution when opening emails or clicking on links, especially if they request personal or financial information. Verify the sender’s identity and the legitimacy of the email before taking any action.

Secure Physical Records

While we often think of cybersecurity in the digital realm, physical security is equally important. Keep any physical records related to your SMSF in a secure location to prevent unauthorised access.

Regularly Monitor Accounts

Frequent monitoring of your SMSF accounts is essential. Report any suspicious activity or unauthorised transactions to your financial institution and the ATO promptly.

Educate Yourself and Your Fellow Trustees

Knowledge is a powerful defense against cyber threats. Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and educate your fellow SMSF trustees to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding security practices.


In an era where cyber threats are on the rise, safeguarding your Self Managed Super Fund from potential attacks is paramount. By following the ATO’s cybersecurity tips and adopting best practices, you can take proactive steps to protect your retirement savings from the ever-present digital risks.

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