Roger Boghani

Exploring the Fringe Benefits Tax Exemption for Electric Cars

Understanding Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)

To begin, let’s understand Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). FBT is a tax from the Australian government that applies to certain non-cash benefits given by employers to their employees on top of their regular pay. These benefits could be things like giving an employee a company car for personal use, paying for a gym membership, or covering a child’s school fees.

FBT is a way to make sure everyone pays their fair share of taxes on these non-cash advantages. However, when it comes to electric cars, there’s a special rule that can save both employers and employees a lot of money.

Electric Cars: A Greener Alternative

Before we get into the details of FBT, let’s talk about electric cars and why they’re so popular. Electric cars, often called EVs, are a green and eco-friendly choice instead of regular cars that run on gasoline. They use electricity stored in big batteries, so they don’t release any pollution from their tailpipes, which is great for the environment.

What’s even better is that electric cars are getting more common and cheaper. Lots of different models are coming out, which means they’re not just good for the planet; they’re also good for your wallet in the long term.

FBT on Cars: The Basics

We’ve talked about the basics of FBT and why electric cars are cool, let’s get down into the details of FBT when it comes to vehicles. FBT on cars is applicable when an employer provides a car to their employee for personal use as part of their employment package. It’s important to know that FBT applies to all kinds of cars, including electric ones. But, there’s a cool exception for electric cars.

FBT Exemption for Electric Cars

The FBT exemption for electric cars is a real game-changer, like stumbling upon hidden treasure in the world of taxes. Here’s the deal: if your boss gives you an electric car to use for your own stuff, you might not have to pay FBT on it. This cool rule applies to both new and used electric cars, which is great news for employees.

This rule is all about the Australian government encouraging people to use electric cars and cut down on pollution. It’s like a double win for both employers and employees. But, of course, there are some specific rules you need to follow.

Eligibility Criteria for FBT Exemption

Just like good stuff often has some rules, the FBT exemption for electric cars has conditions you need to meet to save on taxes. To be able to get this tax benefit:

  • Your car must be fully electric, not a mix of electric and gas.
  • The car must be brand new or hasn’t had this tax exemption before.
  • Your car should have a zero rating for carbon dioxide emissions.
  • If your electric car meets all of these, you’re in the clear to enjoy the FBT exemption.

Calculating the FBT for Electric Cars

If an electric car doesn’t get an exemption from Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), the FBT you need to pay is calculated using two things: the car’s value that is subject to tax and how much your employees use it for their personal needs.

The value that’s taxed is figured out by taking the car’s cost (including any extras) and subtracting any money your employees chip in. You should also keep good records of how the car is used, because the FBT rules can change from year to year.

How Does FBT Exemption Benefit Employers?

Employers can get some benefits when they give their employees electric cars with FBT exemptions. Here’s how it helps:

Attracting Good Workers:

Offering electric cars as a work perk can make your company more appealing to people looking for a job. It’s a unique benefit that makes your company stand out.

Lower Taxes:

If your employees qualify for the FBT exemption, your business pays less in taxes. This means you save money.

Being Environmentally Friendly:

Giving electric cars shows that your company cares about the environment, which can make your company look good and responsible.

How Does FBT Exemption Benefit Employees?

Employees also get good things from FBT exemptions on electric cars:

Saving Money:

Employees don’t have to pay extra taxes for using the electric car for personal stuff, so they keep more of their money.

Eco-Friendly Ride:

They can drive a green, eco-friendly electric car without worrying about the cost.

Lower Expenses:

Electric cars usually cost less to run, so commuting every day becomes cheaper for them.

Charging Infrastructure and FBT

When companies give electric cars with FBT exemptions to their employees, it’s important to also offer places to charge these cars. This way, employees can easily charge their electric cars at work, making it even more appealing to own one.

Electric Cars: The Future of Mobility

Electric cars are not just a passing trend; they are the future of getting around. As technology gets better and more places to charge these cars pop up, electric cars will become even more convenient. Whether you’re an employee considering driving one or someone who works, it’s clear that electric cars are here to stay.


To sum it up, electric cars are a clean, eco-friendly, and budget-friendly choice compared to regular cars. The FBT exemption is a big reason for both employers and employees to go for these green cars. It not only saves you money but also helps make the world cleaner and healthier. So, go ahead and check out electric cars for all the good things they offer.

To learn more about the Fringe Benefit Tax exemption for electric vehicles, please contact us


1. Is the FBT exemption for electric cars a permanent policy?

Right now, the government encourages eco-friendly transportation by not charging extra tax on electric cars. But it’s important to keep an eye out for any rule changes in the future.

2. Can I claim the FBT exemption if I charge my electric car at home?

The FBT exemption is about employers giving electric cars to their workers. Charging your car at home doesn’t change whether you can get this exemption or not.

3. What if my electric car is used for both personal and work purposes?

If you use an electric car for both your job and personal things, you might still have to pay some FBT, but it depends on how much you use it for personal stuff.

4. Are there any state-specific variations in the FBT exemption for electric cars?

The FBT exemption for electric cars is a national rule, which means it’s the same all over Australia. There aren’t any differences between states.

5. What happens if my electric car no longer qualifies for the FBT exemption?

If your electric car no longer qualifies for the FBT exemption, you have to tell the authorities that it’s a fringe benefit, and then the standard FBT rules will apply, which means you might have to pay the usual FBT.

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