Roger Boghani

Creating an SMSFs – What Factors Should You Think About?


Starting an SMSFs can be complex. Making mistakes in the process can significantly impact your finances and retirement goals. The first thing to figure out is if an SMSFs is the best choice for you.

Creating an SMSFs can be hard. If you make mistakes, it can really mess up your money and retirement plans. The first thing to be sure about is if an SMSFs is a good choice for you. Some things to think about are:

Small amounts

Before thinking about starting an SMSFs, make sure your superannuation balance is suitable. Having a low balance isn’t always a problem, but it might not be the best idea to set up an SMSFs with a small balance.

SMSFs usually work better with more money. So, before moving your superannuation balance to an SMSFs, make sure it’s likely to leave you in a better position for retirement, and you can justify the decision.


You should also know why you want to start an SMSFs. The main reason people mention is having control. Having control in an SMSFs lets you choose from many different investments and gives you flexibility and involvement with your superannuation.

But, keep in mind that superannuation laws are complicated. Make sure what you want to do is allowed by the law and can be done in an SMSFs.

Costs and time

Setting up and running an SMSFs involves various costs. Make sure you know about the expected expenses for starting, handling accounts, and conducting audits for your SMSFs. Talk to your advisors to understand any other additional costs. Unlike big super funds, these costs are usually fixed rates, not a percentage of your balance.

Managing an SMSFs also demands time and focus from trustees, taking away from your daily routine. It’s crucial to know your legal duties and responsibilities before starting an SMSFs.

Setup Procedure

Once you’re sure you want an SMSFs, you can start setting it up. It’s best to get help from an SMSFs specialist. They’ll assist you in things like picking who will manage the fund, choosing a trust deed, registering with the ATO, opening a bank account for the fund, and moving your money into the fund.

Investment Strategy and Insurance

After starting your SMSFs, you need to make a plan for how you’ll invest the money, and this plan should be checked regularly.

Your investment plan must be written down and think about:

  • Spreading out your investments: This means putting your money in different things.
  • How easy it is to turn your investments into cash: This is important for paying for things your fund needs.
  • Making sure there’s enough money to pay for retirements and other costs: Think about what members will need when they retire.
  • Considering if you should have insurance in your SMSFs: Decide if it’s a good idea to have extra protection for your fund.

Property investment

Many people think about investing in property when they start an SMSFs. But before you do, make sure it’s the right fit for you, especially if you’re borrowing money for it. Owning properties in an SMSFs can get a bit complicated, and you might need special advice before deciding. If you don’t have a variety of investments, not enough money, or pick the wrong property, it could hurt your retirement savings.

How can we help?

If you’re thinking about an SMSFs, reach out to our office so we can talk about your specific needs in more detail.

Remember, this is just general info, and we haven’t given you any investment advice. The details in this blog are general and may not consider your personal goals and finances.

Before you make any decisions, think about how this advice fits with your own situation. It’s a good idea to talk to an accountant or a licensed financial adviser for personalised guidance. Roger Boghani tax & business services isn’t responsible for any actions you take without seeking advice from a professional.

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